During a storm, your home is vulnerable and at risk to both the rain and water levels, but also the wind pressure and wind borne debris. If your garage door does not meet Wind Code Restrictions, the wind pressures can cause catastrophic damage to your home. Precision only installs garage doors that meet all Florida State & Southwest FL Wind-Borne Debris Region standards & requirements.
Dangers of a Standard Door
- Standard doors can be forced out of the track from the wind pressure during a storm
- Wind-borne debris can become dangerous as they can impact standard doors and enter homes
- Intense pressure from wind speeds 111 mph (Category 3 or higher) inside the home can severely damage the structures of the home such as the walls and roof.
- Induced internal air pressure can get so intense that it can blow out the roof or wall panels as it increases.
- Window openings as small as 4 sq. ft. can cause pressure in the home’s interior and exert forces on the structure.

Take Action Now! Call Precision
- Only Hurricane Approved Manufacturers for All Doors & Door Parts
- New Doors Fully Permitted & County Inspected
- Impact Rated Hurricane Approved Doors
- Hurricane Door Reinforcing - Learn More
Now is the best time to secure your home. Don't wait for an approaching storm to consider the risks. We offer stylish choices and design options.
Precision Overhead Garage Door is fully licensed, insured and works only in compliance with Southwest Florida's Wind Code & Wind Velocity Restrictions.
New Hurricane Approved Doors & Upgrades - Call Today!
Enjoy the peace of mind it brings.

Precision makes it easy to get your hurricane-rated door!
- Free In-Home Estimates
- Hurricane Impact Rated Southwest FL Code
- We Pull All Permits
- We Quickly Install Your New Hurricane Approved Door
- We Arrange Necessary County Inspections