Reinforce Your Garage Door To Help Protect Your Home Against Hurricane Winds

Every Hurricane Upgrade Package is customized for your door using the parts shown below and will be about half the cost of installing a new hurricane garage door.

3" Wide Galvanized Reinforcement Struts These reinforcement struts run the entire width of your garage door. Four to six reinforced struts will be added. More struts=more protection.

Additional Jamb Brackets Additional Jamb Brackets are added to help strengthen the track and keep it attached to the wall during intense hurricane winds.

Concrete Anchors Concrete anchors are used to keep the wood jambs (framing) secured to the house.

New Springs New Bigger Springs are used to replace the existing springs. These springs will lift the added weight of the garage door.

7" Stem - 13 Ball Bearing - Sealed - Neoprene Rollers 7" stem neoprene rollers are added. This helps ensure the rollers don't slip out of the end of a hinge during intense hurricane winds. Additionally, you will notice how quiet these make the garage door.

Commercial Hinges Heavy-duty 14 gauge commercial hinges are used to replace typical 18 gauge residential hinges for additional reinforcement.